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发表在美国J Endourology关于精囊炎血精治疗的经验

更新时间:2016-01-10 12:43:48 阅读0

A New Method of Chronic and Recurrent

Seminal Vesiculitis Treatment


Purpose: To investigate a new method and its effect on the procedure of dilating the ejaculatory duct and

flushing the seminal vesicle with an F9 seminal vesicle scope in patients with chronic and recurrent seminal南京医科大学第一附属医院泌尿外科王增军


Patients and Methods: Twenty-six patients with a diagnosis based to signs, laboratory detection, digital rectal

examination, and transrectal ultrasonography were involved in present study. The patients underwent a surgical

procedure of dilating the ejaculatory duct and flushing the seminal vesicles with an F9 seminal vesicle endoscope.

All patients were followed for 3 months to 1 year after treatment.

Results: There were significant reductions in symptoms, signs, white blood cell and red blood cell counts on

microscopic examination, seminal vesicles size, improvement of inner walls echo in transrectal ultrasonography,

and semen culture positive rate. Moreover, all patients showed improvement.

Conclusions: The present study provides a new transurethral seminal tract endoscopic technique with seminal

vesicle scope through the normal anatomic tract to treat patients with chronic seminal vesiculitis. It proved to be

easily conducted with minimized complications. Further investigations are needed to confirm our results.

